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BollKlubben Olympic
Malmö 1920
A-lag Herrar

Meet Junior - goalkeeper coach for A-team
2019-10-03 15:40
Always happy, Junior!
Olympic website meets Hamid Faiz Junior for a talk.

Tell me about the game against Qviding.
I have heard that our keeper Jesper Andersson did a good game, what do you say?

- Yes, he played with guts and are very focused right now! In the start of the league he did a couple of errors but have improved a lot during the season. I believe he will be a great goalkeeper in the future, because when you train young people you need to have patience with them compared with older players like Fadama who have a lot of experience.

What is Jesper’s strength as a goalkeeper?
- He is very calm and he is tall and have good reach. As with every player there is always room for improvements but he is on the right track and take steps forward in every 90mins. I believe he will play good in division 1 if we will win the league. His best games was against Prespa and Onsala.

Tell us a little about your football background?
- Well, my background is very looong…
I come from Kenya in Africa and I played in Kenya’s national team. My football life started in Africa when I was very young and then I moved to Dusseldorf in Germany and I played in U18 team. I moved to Denmark where I played junior and senior football in Hellerup & Hvidovre for example.

- I was called to Kenya’s national team in 1998 and Kenya at that time was trying to qualify for World Cup in France .
We had a match against Nigeria and I was called to the game and should meet Jay-Jay Okocha and other great players but unfortunately, I had a serious knee injury that made me ending my career.

- After that I start taking coach-education and I now have UEFA B license as a coach in both Denmark & Sweden and it’s fantastic and I have ambitions to move up and improve.

I have been coaching some African players like Edward Ofere who played in MFF and some others African players before I got a job in Kvarnby IK as a headcoach for U18, U19.

How did you get in contact with BK Olympic?
-  I have known Anders Grimberg for 5 years when we were in school together and I have a lot of respect for him, he have a lot of knowledge and I wanted to work with him so that’s the history of how I came to Olympic.

- I also have a project in Africa where FIFA’s is involved and helping kids in Africa, where I collect stuff and send to Africa to 300 kids. I did a fundraising match in Denmark where we played against former Danish national players where we collecting things and send a container to Africa. The project name is “DASAC” Danish African Soccer Academy

This is my passion about football and this is a small part of my long story….!

What do you do for living?
-I have study engineering and I have worked with post service and driving post car around in Denmark. But right now I am only focusing on football.
Football in the morning – football in the evening!

I have a dream to be a full time coach and have ambitions to work with football in Africa in the future.

- Now I am here in BK Olympic and I love the club and I think Olympic is one of the best youth clubs in the area and that we focus on young players, I like that philosophy a lot.
Young player like the goalkeeper Tyree, Hamid, Rassa and many more creates a young squad with a little older guys, for example your son Kevin who is the captain and he started in Olympic as 4 years old. We have also added some good players from outside to make this great team. Now we all together can be historical to be the first BK Olympic team to play in division 1, let’s see if we can reach that!

That leads me into the next question, next match is against Assyriska away, comments?
- Assyriska is a cosmopolitan team, with that I mean they are technical like FC Rosengård. I think the matchpicture will be like when we played away against Onsala. If we stay focused and work hard, we will win!

What would the score be?
- Well I am not good at betting, Olympic will win, but I don’t know with how many goals but I say we win with 2-0.

5 questions
Messi or Ronaldo
Storm or heavy rain
Spring or summer
Big win or one goal win
Who will win the league – Olympic


BK Olympic website thanks Junior for the long interview and wish Junior good luck in the future.


Stefan Robèrt

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